Quote of The Day

Quote Of The Day
~Wahai Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau memesongkan hati kami sesudah Engkau beri petunjuk kepada kami, dan sesungguhnya Engkau jualah Tuhan yang melimpah-limpah pemberianNya (Ali-Imran:8)~

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Aku ni ade 2 cerita, yang best dan yang tak best.

Yang best la dulu ek...hehe...
Aku dah masuk under Special Project Team, dengan bos yang 'get it done' type and manager aku yang mat cool!Wee hoo...Bolehla aku timba pengalaman yang bertimbun timbun managing varies project i.e staff quarters, puspakom inspection center, auto college...wah..best best. terima kasihla ye Encik Bos sebab believe in me and my kebolehan (ape la ni...rojak pulak!) Bolehla aku perform bbaaeekkk punya, kot kot boleh upgrade jadik APM pulak.Amin.Amin.

Tapi,cerita yang tak berapa nak best, I've got so distracted lately. Tak taula nape. Got easily pissed off. Sebab period la kot...hmm ntahla.macam tak best je.Aku macam dah terasa agak bosan bekerja kat sini, dengan environment yang ass-licking and kipas bbaaeekk punyer.Ah,bosanla dek non! It is only my hormones.Breathe in.Breathe out.

Trying very best to being a better person, each and every day!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

: WEE WOO! :

Wee woo...I got a MC for tomorrow.Cayalah doc.Peace!


Is it too late for me to shout out loud my 2010 list of hope or most people say 'azam tahun baru'.Let me see...

of course,like other women hoping to lose weight (by 3kgs)

to be a better person.oh..how typical.Narrow it further,to forgive and forget.to hold temper and be more patience

to care for what I eat, as my Doctor advised to watch my cholesterol level :o

to read a new book every fortnightly (of course to finish reading it!)

to spread the love to everybody near me.no sour face,smile can bring people near to each other

to have more time for myself :)

to be a better cook and a better wife, and of course the best mom

education is the most important thing-to educate and teach my child at my bestest will

is there any more?enough for now.

Wish me luck ok!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Heheh...sori la,kekwat sket.Aku baru je belikan diriku Blackberry "woot" yelah...aku ni kan dah lama gile ngidam nak BB (blackberry ye...baby pun iyer jugak :) ) sekarang baru dapat.tapi tak habis godek lagi.almaklumkah...busy je memanjang.Aku ni kan baru pindah ke Kajang nun di sana (kajang pak malau lah aku...) so,tetiap malam lepas balik keje,mengemas jela keje aku.aku ni memang stok suke mengemas.Sebab tu la tak nak amik maid (ceh...padahal budget tak cukup)

Oklah...pasni,bolehla aku update FB thru BB, mcm org-org poyo yang lain.Nanti keluar la...Facebook for Blackberry.heheh!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Oh Tuhan...apakah sudah tiba masanya untuk aku mem'blah'kan diri dari company ini?hhmm...terasa bosan dan sangap untuk bekerja sehari-hari. Aku ni bukanla ade buat kes dengan sesiape, cuma terasa macam kerja tu tak mencabar la...(haha...mencabarla sangat,kang dapat keje jadi polis,baru tercabar..thee thee thee...) Projek yang aku handle ni ntah bile nak kick-off ntah.

Ala, aku ni kan ambitous sket,konon nak jadi Assistant Manager by 32 years la...InsyaAllah boleh.Ape yang penting?Kerjasama!