Hari ini aku malas nak kerja.
Aku malas nak kerja hari ini.
Malas aku nak kerja hari ini.
Ini hari aku malas nak kerja.
Nak kerja hari ini aku malas.
So camner?
Aku nak jadi superwoman, nak mengalahkan raksakse-raksakse yang ada di muka bumi ni...termasukla raksakse Gordone!
Quote of The Day
Quote Of The Day
~Wahai Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau memesongkan hati kami sesudah Engkau beri petunjuk kepada kami, dan sesungguhnya Engkau jualah Tuhan yang melimpah-limpah pemberianNya (Ali-Imran:8)~
~Wahai Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau memesongkan hati kami sesudah Engkau beri petunjuk kepada kami, dan sesungguhnya Engkau jualah Tuhan yang melimpah-limpah pemberianNya (Ali-Imran:8)~
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
: Kuih Raya :
Semalam and the day before semalam (or shall I say kelmarin and kelmarin dulu, hahaha...~quote : Aleya) I made myself a kuih raya. Kuih Siput u olls...
Actually, not me per se, it is me and my gang team up for a Raya operasion, to bake and to cook rendang. Rendang Kerang lagi...which I have not heard off. Kelmarin dulu we started doing Kuih Siput, easy but tiring. Just fry the dough, tapi bab nak jadikan dia diput tu yang leceh. Naik melecet tangan aku ni ha, ditambah pula dengan sakit belakang ni, akibat duduk berteleku dok buat kuih siput tu la. Kelmarin dulu, hasilnya agak hangus dan sedikit manis dari yang sepatutnya, tapi kelmarin (semalam) punya sedap. Lemak lemak, manis manis serta rangup. Pastu tadi aku call mak aku, mintak resepi Chocolate Chips Cookies, terkezut gakla mak aku dengar aku buat kuih. Hehehe...nanti adik bagi mama 1 balang ek. Kalo sedap, next year boleh buat lagi.
Semenjak aku tinggal Kajang nih, macam macam aku dah reti...dalam bab bab masakan la. Masak nasi ayam lazat, nasi tomato, lauk pauk, yang paling best ni la, buat kuih. Pastu kan, aku macam dah makin rajin masak pulak. Best tu masak, lebih lebih lagi bile orang makan masakan kita.
Tahun ni, rancangnya nak buat 4 jenis kuih, kuih siput, kuih popia nestum, biskut cornflakes dan biskut chocolate chips. Pastu, nak buat rendang kerang...fuuhh..(eh, kan dah bagitau tadi!). So mallam ni, sambung lagi la sakit belakang dan melecet jari, continue buat kuih siput. Nak post gambar kuih macam segan, sebab tak berapa nak cantik kuihnya...ala, janji sedap di makan sudah...
Actually, not me per se, it is me and my gang team up for a Raya operasion, to bake and to cook rendang. Rendang Kerang lagi...which I have not heard off. Kelmarin dulu we started doing Kuih Siput, easy but tiring. Just fry the dough, tapi bab nak jadikan dia diput tu yang leceh. Naik melecet tangan aku ni ha, ditambah pula dengan sakit belakang ni, akibat duduk berteleku dok buat kuih siput tu la. Kelmarin dulu, hasilnya agak hangus dan sedikit manis dari yang sepatutnya, tapi kelmarin (semalam) punya sedap. Lemak lemak, manis manis serta rangup. Pastu tadi aku call mak aku, mintak resepi Chocolate Chips Cookies, terkezut gakla mak aku dengar aku buat kuih. Hehehe...nanti adik bagi mama 1 balang ek. Kalo sedap, next year boleh buat lagi.
Semenjak aku tinggal Kajang nih, macam macam aku dah reti...dalam bab bab masakan la. Masak nasi ayam lazat, nasi tomato, lauk pauk, yang paling best ni la, buat kuih. Pastu kan, aku macam dah makin rajin masak pulak. Best tu masak, lebih lebih lagi bile orang makan masakan kita.
Tahun ni, rancangnya nak buat 4 jenis kuih, kuih siput, kuih popia nestum, biskut cornflakes dan biskut chocolate chips. Pastu, nak buat rendang kerang...fuuhh..(eh, kan dah bagitau tadi!). So mallam ni, sambung lagi la sakit belakang dan melecet jari, continue buat kuih siput. Nak post gambar kuih macam segan, sebab tak berapa nak cantik kuihnya...ala, janji sedap di makan sudah...
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
: Nuh's Taska, lagi... :
Tak sabarnye nak hantar Nuh ke kindy. Nak tengok dia belajar, berkawan, ada moral values, mengaji, urus diri, eii...bestnye.
Daripada Nuh dok umah je main je memanjang, baiklah dia pegi skolah. Daripada absorb benda benda yang tak baik daripada budak tu...(ei... geram je aku dgn budak tak makan saman tu) baik aku hantar Nuh ke sekolah, belajar. Build up his moral values, personality, responsibility and most important things, build up his mind development.
So, have to wait for after raya to make a visit to the kindy. Confirm aku hanter Nuh ke sana, tak kisahla orang nak kata apa.
Daripada Nuh dok umah je main je memanjang, baiklah dia pegi skolah. Daripada absorb benda benda yang tak baik daripada budak tu...(ei... geram je aku dgn budak tak makan saman tu) baik aku hantar Nuh ke sekolah, belajar. Build up his moral values, personality, responsibility and most important things, build up his mind development.
So, have to wait for after raya to make a visit to the kindy. Confirm aku hanter Nuh ke sana, tak kisahla orang nak kata apa.
: Nak Bagitau ke? :
Nak bagitau whole world ke or tak payah?
aku tak posa hari ni. hehehe...
aku tak posa hari ni. hehehe...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
: Sharing Is Caring :
Good things is to be shared, especially pertaining to children.
Susu lembu amat mudarat bagi anak selepas 3 tahun
:o Nuh likes susu lembu with oats
Coklat merosakkan selaput sel sel - punca banyak keuzuran
I always reward Nuh with coklat. Bad mummy!
Origami amat penting, ia membina daya intelek dan kreativiti
Vitamin C, B-kompleks, minyak ikan, lecithin, zat galian & EPO genting untuk anak
Ajarlah anak mind-maps dari kecil lagi agar terbina mental syumul
Ibu yang uzur dan letih adalah punca anak yang bermasalah
Kenalah aku stock-up supplements
Gunakan warna merah untuk menulis perkataan untuk anak anak kecil
Berenang meningkatkan kesihatan dan kemampuan mental anak
Gimnastik amat penting bagi meningkatkan daya integrasi anak
Anak yang bercakap dengan suara yang nyaring mempunyai masalah laterality
Usia 3 tahun pertama adalah landasan terpenting dalam pendidikan anak
Nuh now is 3, have to starts before it is too late!
Hmm...ada banyak lagi ilmu dalam buku yang i tengah baca nih. Nanti I akan share dengan u olls.
Susu lembu amat mudarat bagi anak selepas 3 tahun
:o Nuh likes susu lembu with oats
Coklat merosakkan selaput sel sel - punca banyak keuzuran
I always reward Nuh with coklat. Bad mummy!
Origami amat penting, ia membina daya intelek dan kreativiti
Vitamin C, B-kompleks, minyak ikan, lecithin, zat galian & EPO genting untuk anak
Ajarlah anak mind-maps dari kecil lagi agar terbina mental syumul
Ibu yang uzur dan letih adalah punca anak yang bermasalah
Kenalah aku stock-up supplements
Gunakan warna merah untuk menulis perkataan untuk anak anak kecil
Berenang meningkatkan kesihatan dan kemampuan mental anak
Gimnastik amat penting bagi meningkatkan daya integrasi anak
Anak yang bercakap dengan suara yang nyaring mempunyai masalah laterality
Usia 3 tahun pertama adalah landasan terpenting dalam pendidikan anak
Nuh now is 3, have to starts before it is too late!
Hmm...ada banyak lagi ilmu dalam buku yang i tengah baca nih. Nanti I akan share dengan u olls.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
: 1st Ramadhan :
Today is the first day of Ramadhan and I am fasting. Huurrmm...now is only 8.45am and my throat starts feeling thirsty. Aku ni dahla jenis memang minum air banyak, takpelah...cuci perut, cuci usus. Cuci jiwa, cuci hati...
Actually, puasa ni ade 3 jenis (chewahh...macam nak bagi lecture pulak) Puasa umum, puasa khusus dan puasa khusus dari khusus.
Puasa Umum
Puasa umum ni (eh, kenapa cakap melayu pulak?) lebih kurang puasa yang kite semua tengah buat ni lah...just puasa haus dan lapar sahaja. Hadith Rasul tuh, siapa yang berpuasa (umum) takkan dapat apa apa, hanyalah lapar dan dahaga. Jadi oleh itu, kenalah kita memantapkan ibadah puasa kita dengan puasa khusus dan khusus dari khusus pulak...Apa itu puasa khusus?
Puasa Khusus
Puasa khusus ni islah bila kite berpuasa jiwa kita lah...puasa makan, minum, pandangan, perbuatan, niat, semualah...Ianya lebih kepada penyucian jiwa dan hati kita dari berbuat perkara perkara yang boleh membatalkan puasa kita itu. Memangla bila kita cakap puasa jiwa, dengar macam senang je sebab just jaga mulut dan telinga...tapi sebenarnya susah. Detailing tu yang susah...Nak kena monitor atas apa yang kita perbuat dan cakap, barulah puasa kita tak sia sia.
Puasa Khusus Dari Khusus
Ini lebih kepada puasa jiwa jugaklah...tapi lebih mendalam. Adalah 6 items under puasa khusus dari khusus ni, which i can't remember and i did not bring the notes to jot here...nanti esok aku update ok. Boleh?
Bersambung esok...
Eh eh...btw, Selamat berpuasa dan selamat berbuka to all. Semoga ibadah kita diberkati Allah SWT. Amin.
Actually, puasa ni ade 3 jenis (chewahh...macam nak bagi lecture pulak) Puasa umum, puasa khusus dan puasa khusus dari khusus.
Puasa Umum
Puasa umum ni (eh, kenapa cakap melayu pulak?) lebih kurang puasa yang kite semua tengah buat ni lah...just puasa haus dan lapar sahaja. Hadith Rasul tuh, siapa yang berpuasa (umum) takkan dapat apa apa, hanyalah lapar dan dahaga. Jadi oleh itu, kenalah kita memantapkan ibadah puasa kita dengan puasa khusus dan khusus dari khusus pulak...Apa itu puasa khusus?
Puasa Khusus
Puasa khusus ni islah bila kite berpuasa jiwa kita lah...puasa makan, minum, pandangan, perbuatan, niat, semualah...Ianya lebih kepada penyucian jiwa dan hati kita dari berbuat perkara perkara yang boleh membatalkan puasa kita itu. Memangla bila kita cakap puasa jiwa, dengar macam senang je sebab just jaga mulut dan telinga...tapi sebenarnya susah. Detailing tu yang susah...Nak kena monitor atas apa yang kita perbuat dan cakap, barulah puasa kita tak sia sia.
Puasa Khusus Dari Khusus
Ini lebih kepada puasa jiwa jugaklah...tapi lebih mendalam. Adalah 6 items under puasa khusus dari khusus ni, which i can't remember and i did not bring the notes to jot here...nanti esok aku update ok. Boleh?
Bersambung esok...
Eh eh...btw, Selamat berpuasa dan selamat berbuka to all. Semoga ibadah kita diberkati Allah SWT. Amin.
Monday, August 9, 2010
: Nuh's Taska :
Howdy all (ceh, macamla ade reader blogku ini, well, like to keep it private, nak tgk how popular I am being search thru google :) )
Owwhh…last Saturday, me and my relatives (we are as close as relatives!) went to Taska Nuri open day, located in Section 3 Bangi. The weather is fine, so we brought along all the kids in the (our) world to join the fun and support the carnival. As informed by the principal of that taska, the kids below 6 y.o themselves will do the selling and collecting of money from the buyer.
We reached there at around 10am (after sesat dalam 15 minit) The taska is a 2 storey semi-d with 2 units complete with ample green area for kids to play. There are payung, chairs and meja with food untuk dijual. Yes, it was handle by the kids WITH monitoring by the mother / sister and teacher. Yelah, mana lah tau kot kot dia terpulang duit sikit ke kan…Then, I met with Mak Nah, whom assist the Principal, Pn Hasanah for the Taska. She lives near my house yo! She is a nice lady, and very passionate with her works, can see from her expression. Pn Hasanah, the principal also nice. But very busy that day, so I have to make another appointment for her to brief me on the school module and FEES.
Masuk taska, there are painting and working paper everywhere, by sectional. They segregate it to 5 section. Artwork for kids 3 years old, 4 years old, 5 & 6 years old and also the activities they have for the children. Ok, we start with 3 years old first…
For kids 3 years old, they hang their artwork, mostly their drawings and the most beautiful is their kolaj at one corner of the wall. Cantik banget! Kolaj bercorak ikan. I bet that Nuh unable to make that, cantik for a 3 years old punyer kebolehan. They also did display the educational toys they have for children 3 years old, where Nuh tak berhenti henti main. Like it!
Then, for 4 years old art work, they have it at the stairs. Their painting and drawing. So as for 5 years old. Siap ade artbook lagi. Cantttiikkk yo! For 5 and 6 years of age, dia ade tampal their school work. Short essay in Malay and in English. Their 2 digits mathematics and also their Jawi writing. Dahsyat tuh…(well, I guess!) Handwriting pun cantik. Hehe…
Last but not the least, the activity that they have for children. The one I remembered, they have the children to practice swimming every Wednesday yo! How cool is that huh?!
At the open day, the parents very supportive to the kids and to the teachers. Ramai jugak yang datang. Best. Tak sabar nak sekolahkan Nuh kat situ. Hard to describe by words, come and see for yourself. All i need is only to make an appointment with the principal and discuss on the module and childrens activities.
As I have satisfied with the taska, do I need to cari taska lain for comparison?(stupid question isn’t it?) haha…
Owwhh…last Saturday, me and my relatives (we are as close as relatives!) went to Taska Nuri open day, located in Section 3 Bangi. The weather is fine, so we brought along all the kids in the (our) world to join the fun and support the carnival. As informed by the principal of that taska, the kids below 6 y.o themselves will do the selling and collecting of money from the buyer.
We reached there at around 10am (after sesat dalam 15 minit) The taska is a 2 storey semi-d with 2 units complete with ample green area for kids to play. There are payung, chairs and meja with food untuk dijual. Yes, it was handle by the kids WITH monitoring by the mother / sister and teacher. Yelah, mana lah tau kot kot dia terpulang duit sikit ke kan…Then, I met with Mak Nah, whom assist the Principal, Pn Hasanah for the Taska. She lives near my house yo! She is a nice lady, and very passionate with her works, can see from her expression. Pn Hasanah, the principal also nice. But very busy that day, so I have to make another appointment for her to brief me on the school module and FEES.
Masuk taska, there are painting and working paper everywhere, by sectional. They segregate it to 5 section. Artwork for kids 3 years old, 4 years old, 5 & 6 years old and also the activities they have for the children. Ok, we start with 3 years old first…
For kids 3 years old, they hang their artwork, mostly their drawings and the most beautiful is their kolaj at one corner of the wall. Cantik banget! Kolaj bercorak ikan. I bet that Nuh unable to make that, cantik for a 3 years old punyer kebolehan. They also did display the educational toys they have for children 3 years old, where Nuh tak berhenti henti main. Like it!
Then, for 4 years old art work, they have it at the stairs. Their painting and drawing. So as for 5 years old. Siap ade artbook lagi. Cantttiikkk yo! For 5 and 6 years of age, dia ade tampal their school work. Short essay in Malay and in English. Their 2 digits mathematics and also their Jawi writing. Dahsyat tuh…(well, I guess!) Handwriting pun cantik. Hehe…
Last but not the least, the activity that they have for children. The one I remembered, they have the children to practice swimming every Wednesday yo! How cool is that huh?!
At the open day, the parents very supportive to the kids and to the teachers. Ramai jugak yang datang. Best. Tak sabar nak sekolahkan Nuh kat situ. Hard to describe by words, come and see for yourself. All i need is only to make an appointment with the principal and discuss on the module and childrens activities.
As I have satisfied with the taska, do I need to cari taska lain for comparison?(stupid question isn’t it?) haha…
Thursday, August 5, 2010
: Berita Gempar, Berita Gempar :
Wah...I heard today another staff already tender her resignation. She is an Assistant Manager, btw. Good one. Loser u company, losing good staff (including me!). Tu lah, sibuk sangat hire orang luar to fill in the vacancy but forget that u have a very dedicated and good staff to be promoted. Dahla pay low. Ei...benci je.
Yang penting, aku eager giler nak start keje kat tempat baru. Walaupun the future partner-in-crime sudah berhenti dari company baru ku itu, tapi takpe. I will strive for my future enhancement. Nak jadi Assistant Manager...Amin.Amin. Kengkawan, amin cepat! (as if the whole world is reading)hhmm...tempat keje baru pay is good. Bolehla aku setelkan ptptPU. Jahat!Makan duit orang yang tertindas.
Yang penting, aku eager giler nak start keje kat tempat baru. Walaupun the future partner-in-crime sudah berhenti dari company baru ku itu, tapi takpe. I will strive for my future enhancement. Nak jadi Assistant Manager...Amin.Amin. Kengkawan, amin cepat! (as if the whole world is reading)hhmm...tempat keje baru pay is good. Bolehla aku setelkan ptptPU. Jahat!Makan duit orang yang tertindas.
: To Teach Kids Manners :
Aku tau semua parents nak anak-anak yang baik dan penuh dengan budi pekerti. Bukan senang tau, sebab anak-anak ni senang mengikut, kalau kita buat benda benda tu (either yang baik atau yang tak baik), cepat je dia mengikut. Sekarang ni aku tengah control my voice pitch, kena cakap lembut lembut je (susah sebab I'm not kind of that lemah lembut person) Nuh dah mengikut...cakap main jerit jerit je...dahla suara tu nyaring. Oh, penggunaan perkataan yang betul pun penting tau. Kena guna perkataan yang positif je, walaupun apa yang kita nak kata tu maksudnya negatif. Faham?
Aku terpanggil untuk search about moral values lepas tonton Desperate Housewives Season 6 episod berapa ntah, Selasa lepas kat TV8 on how this character named Eddie became a monster. Bukanla monster jadian ke hape, but attitude tu yang monster. Negative thoughts have been put in his memory since small. Like what Eddie's mother, named Barbara said;
I don't blame you on ruining my life
Sedih tak sedihla kan bila anak dengar mak dia cakap macam tuh...and also this one
The most regretful things I have done is giving birth to you
It is like OMG, how could you talk to your child like that. With all those thoughts and quotes by the mother, the son's self esteemed becoming lower and lower everyday. Kesian kan?!
Terpukul aku di situ, apa yang kita cakap, jangan ingat budak tak paham...After surfing, I found this, simple basic manner to teach your children. Check it out!
10 Basic Manners for Kids
1. Waiting their turn and not interrupting other people when they are speaking. No one can be heard if there are too many voices at once. Gently tell them to wait until someone is done speaking, and then ask their question. Be sure and give your child your full attention when you are done speaking so as to reinforce the positive behavior of waiting his/her turn. While children are patiently waiting, hold their hand or put your arm around them to let them know you are aware of their presence.
2. No name calling. Even if it's in "fun," name calling hurts. Instead of labels, ask children to explain what the behavior is that bothers them.
3. Always greet someone when they come over to your house. Depending on your level of formality, you can teach your child to shake hands with adults who come over, but it's not necessary to shake hands with other children. However, your child should always say, "hello" or "hi" when someone visits so that the guest feels welcome.
4. Say, "Please" and "Thank you" often. It shows respect and appreciation. In addition, if they are thanked, then say, "You're welcome".
5. Clean up after yourself. Whether at home or at a friend's house, always pick up after yourself. It's their mess, so they need to clean it up. If children leave a mess, then remind them that they need to clean up before the next activity can begin, and stick to it.
6. Good sportsmanship. After playing a game (sports, cards, board game), no matter the outcome, be pleasant. If your child wins, tell him/her to not gloat or show off, but to be kind. If they lose, don't sulk or get mad, but be a good sport and tell the other child(ren) "good game" or speak well of them.
7. Take compliments courteously. If someone praises your children, teach them to be gracious and say, "thank you" and avoid putting themselves down or pointing out flaws.
8. Opening doors for others. When going into buildings, allow elders to go first and open the door for them. When preceding others into a building, don't let the door slam in the face of those behind, but hold the door until the person behind can grab it. Also teach your children that if someone holds the door for them, then remember to say "thank you."
9. Exiting/Entering etiquette. Elevators: allow those in the elevator to exit first before entering the elevator. Same with buildings or rooms - if someone is exiting the building or room through the same door you are entering, let them exit first.
10. Respect differences. When people do things differently from your family because of diversity in culture, race, or religion, then teach your child respect. Point out how interesting it is or how different families do different things. Families have their own traditions or rituals, and it is important and has meaning for that family.
Senang kan? Ha...buat, jangan tak buat.
No is a no word to children
Aku terpanggil untuk search about moral values lepas tonton Desperate Housewives Season 6 episod berapa ntah, Selasa lepas kat TV8 on how this character named Eddie became a monster. Bukanla monster jadian ke hape, but attitude tu yang monster. Negative thoughts have been put in his memory since small. Like what Eddie's mother, named Barbara said;
I don't blame you on ruining my life
Sedih tak sedihla kan bila anak dengar mak dia cakap macam tuh...and also this one
The most regretful things I have done is giving birth to you
It is like OMG, how could you talk to your child like that. With all those thoughts and quotes by the mother, the son's self esteemed becoming lower and lower everyday. Kesian kan?!
Terpukul aku di situ, apa yang kita cakap, jangan ingat budak tak paham...After surfing, I found this, simple basic manner to teach your children. Check it out!
10 Basic Manners for Kids
1. Waiting their turn and not interrupting other people when they are speaking. No one can be heard if there are too many voices at once. Gently tell them to wait until someone is done speaking, and then ask their question. Be sure and give your child your full attention when you are done speaking so as to reinforce the positive behavior of waiting his/her turn. While children are patiently waiting, hold their hand or put your arm around them to let them know you are aware of their presence.
2. No name calling. Even if it's in "fun," name calling hurts. Instead of labels, ask children to explain what the behavior is that bothers them.
3. Always greet someone when they come over to your house. Depending on your level of formality, you can teach your child to shake hands with adults who come over, but it's not necessary to shake hands with other children. However, your child should always say, "hello" or "hi" when someone visits so that the guest feels welcome.
4. Say, "Please" and "Thank you" often. It shows respect and appreciation. In addition, if they are thanked, then say, "You're welcome".
5. Clean up after yourself. Whether at home or at a friend's house, always pick up after yourself. It's their mess, so they need to clean it up. If children leave a mess, then remind them that they need to clean up before the next activity can begin, and stick to it.
6. Good sportsmanship. After playing a game (sports, cards, board game), no matter the outcome, be pleasant. If your child wins, tell him/her to not gloat or show off, but to be kind. If they lose, don't sulk or get mad, but be a good sport and tell the other child(ren) "good game" or speak well of them.
7. Take compliments courteously. If someone praises your children, teach them to be gracious and say, "thank you" and avoid putting themselves down or pointing out flaws.
8. Opening doors for others. When going into buildings, allow elders to go first and open the door for them. When preceding others into a building, don't let the door slam in the face of those behind, but hold the door until the person behind can grab it. Also teach your children that if someone holds the door for them, then remember to say "thank you."
9. Exiting/Entering etiquette. Elevators: allow those in the elevator to exit first before entering the elevator. Same with buildings or rooms - if someone is exiting the building or room through the same door you are entering, let them exit first.
10. Respect differences. When people do things differently from your family because of diversity in culture, race, or religion, then teach your child respect. Point out how interesting it is or how different families do different things. Families have their own traditions or rituals, and it is important and has meaning for that family.
Senang kan? Ha...buat, jangan tak buat.
No is a no word to children
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
: Kitton :

Meowth of Pokemon
Cat cat go away, find another place o stay.Hehe...sounds mean isn't it? Last Sunday, while we (my house + my relatives) is busy preparing for lunch (siang ikan keli belaan dan bayam tanaman kami :) ) there was a kitton (kitten in Arab) at our house. I suspected that the Kitton was being abandoned by this one lady, whom I saw walking front and back at our back lane that Sunday.
At first, we did not even care about the cat due to busy and excited to cook the catfish and spinach. The kitton is very cute, medium size or people use to say 'kucing remaja'. But after awhile, the kitton seems like don't want to go away and lepak lepak at our houses.
Since Nuh is not afraid of cat anymore (more to geli i guess) so we (my rocking husband and I) thinking of adopting it. The funny thing is, Nunu (a rabbit kept by our relatives) was afraid to Kitton. Hahaha...Nunu nih, badan je besar.
Last nite, when I woke up to make susu for Nuh, I saw Kitton relax lepak baaeekk punya on my sofa. Ewah ewah ewah...aku pun tido atas lantai atas toto, ko tido atas sofa ek...kuang hasam betol! Masa I tengah goreng macaroni for breakfast, I saw Kitton in my toilet, macam nak berak. Wahh...what a trained cat, pooing in the toilet. By this, senangla aku nak jaga ko nanti...Thinking of adopting it.
Macam best kan ada pet?!
: WWW (What Women Wantsss) :
...Plain looking husband

...normal simple ring

...small wedding party

...honeymoon at any place

...small house for the kids to run around

...lovely children

...husband is a family man

...but work hard

...small car for shopping

...another car for kids

...shoes for each occasion

...some nice outfits

...a bit of cosmetics

...a bit of makeup

...overseas trip once a year

...more often on domestic trips


... Presents occasionally

... Handbags collection

...finally, some securities.

Boleh cam tu?

...normal simple ring

...small wedding party

...honeymoon at any place

...small house for the kids to run around

...lovely children

...husband is a family man

...but work hard

...small car for shopping

...another car for kids

...shoes for each occasion

...some nice outfits

...a bit of cosmetics

...a bit of makeup

...overseas trip once a year

...more often on domestic trips


... Presents occasionally

... Handbags collection

...finally, some securities.

Boleh cam tu?
: Women and Shopping :
Women and shopping is inseparable. Woman love shopping despite how many clothes she own and how little she have been paid :( Macam aku lah, just got back from PKNS Shah Alam, with partner-in-crime, Elta hunting for baju raya (eventho I've bought one thru FB). Serius...the baju kurung is heellll nice and affordable price. Saya bukan penjual kedai di sini yeee... Rasa rasanya, tak payahla nak sibuk sibuk beli kain and cari good taylor for the baju, just buy ready-made coz confirm u'll be satisfied.
But the problem here is, I did not buy any baju raya just now, but me bought a pair of office wear. Boleh?
Excited to wear new clothes for the new workplace. Shop again?
But the problem here is, I did not buy any baju raya just now, but me bought a pair of office wear. Boleh?
Excited to wear new clothes for the new workplace. Shop again?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
: Ei...Penatla :
Ei...penatla beger beger blog aku nih. Aku ni bukannye pandai IT sangat. Hehehe...tu pun ade hati nak beli VAIO.Pergghh...
: The Day We Were So Happy and Anxious...part 2 :

Having discussion and chit chatting with mothers on the education for our child is awesome. Talks on the kindy selection, the books, the module, the diet...semua semua lah...made me feel tak sabar sabar nak hantar my hero to the kindy. Plus, Nuh is now is wearing his bag to EVERYWHERE (thanks to Auntie Elta for the birthday present). Bag tu pun dah nak putus dah...Oh well, not talking about the bag, but about Nuh whom eager to go to school. Maybe because dia dok tengok his friends,Adam, Mick dan Israk ke sekolah setiap hari, dan Nuh hanya tinggal dengan Medina dan Raidi je.Must be boring for him friends with lil’ babies.
Don’t blame me on my hormones imbalance but it really made me worried. Choosing the bestest (if this word does exist) for my child. Sometimes I think that it is better for me to only have Nuh as our child in our life, so that we can focus 100% on his development and to fulfill his needs. Tapi tu la…pity him playing alone and pity me when he grows up and busy with friends and girlfriends (Nuh handsome tau!) and baby is cute!
Kindy nowadays has a lot of types, modules. Hard to choose the best that can contributes the most to build up Nuh thinking skills and moral values. When I read a lot in the internet, there are mommies claiming that their kids able to read, play lego, making crafts at the age of 4-5 y.o, which it is brilliant for me, even though I knew that each child has their own ‘pick-up level’. Ade yang mase kecik kecik lambat pick-up, but excellent bila dah besar…and vice versa. Having that in my mind made me anxious, or maybe sebab I expect too high for my family. Ye lah, lumrah hidup nak yang terbaik kaaann…
So far I ade baca this one if my friend’s blog, she sent her lil’ princess to Taska Raniya and the module is awesome. Full of activities and the best thing is they implemented the Nury method. However, as addition of sad to my emotion, that Taska has NO branch (sedih kan?!) , maybe sebab nak kawal quality la tu…Mula lah I jealous baca Kokek hantar anak dia ke Taska yang best (I don’t fancy Kumon, Smart Reader, etc…yuran pun mahal…) So, aku cari punya cari kindy yang guna Nury method…finally, jumpa jugak! NURY punya branch kat Section 3 Bandar Baru Bangi. Woohoo…I dialed up and they said they are having a carnival this Saturday. Confirm aku nak pegi bawak Nuh dan ajak Aleya and clan ikut skali. Must be fun. Dapatla aku tengok kualiti Taska tu camner…
Now, confirm aku akan hantar Nuh ke playschool soonest possible (depends on the fee jugak, sebab it is already coming to the end of 2010). Let him mingle around, make friends, build his skills, do craft, ape ape je lah... rugi kalau I wasted time nak tunggu Nuh pegi pre-school at age of 5, because at this age lah dia learn a lot and pick-up level very high.
Rich people has big library in the house while poor people has big TV
Aku taknak jadik orang miskin…
Super-not-so-hot mom!
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